Princesse d'Isenbourg et Cie

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Princesse d'Isenbourg et Cie®      One of the very few reliable sources of fine comestibles

Black Truffles – Aestivum 100g – Market Price


BLACK PERIGORD tuber melanosporum

Prices may vary as often as twice Weekly

Fresh Black Perigord* Truffles Seasonal
from End of Dec. to Mid-March (tuber melanosporum)

Fresh Black Summer* Truffles
Seasonal April to Sept. (tuber aestivum)

Sachet P.O.A. Per Kg

Fresh Black Autumn* Truffles Seasonal August to December
(tuber uncinatum / scorzone)

Out of stock

Truffles were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. They have never lost their revered position among the world’s chefs and gastronomes. To some, they are the Aphrodisiac. To everyone, they have a supreme flavour and an unrivalled ability to stimulate appetite. This last quality makes Truffles an ideal accompaniment to even the simplest of dishes. Black Perigord Tuber Melanosporum Prices may vary as often as twice a week Fresh Black Perigord Truffles Seasonal from End of Dec. to Mid-March ( Tuber Melanosporum ) Fresh Black Summer Truffles Seasonal April to Sept. ( Tuber Aestivum ) Sachet Fresh Black Autumn Truffles Seasonal August to December ( Tuber Uncinatum / Scorzone) Please send us an Enquiry   Truffle gathering remains an ancient art, practised by a selected few in the regions of Provencal and Perigord France and accounting for 45%, in Italy for 35% and Spain yielding 20%. Even in years when conditions are quite perfect, only small quantities of these ‘Black Diamonds’ are unearthed. Black Winter Perigord Truffles (Tuber Melanosporum) are the most refined and are harvested between December and February. The delicate search is traditionally carried out by specially trained dogs which, in reward for each find, are themselves treated to a “Snuffle of Truffle”.

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Princesse d'Isenbourg et Cie®
2 Bard Rd., Holland Park, London W10 6TP
+44 208 960 3600
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